Tagged: free


This underdark waterfall is illuminated by glowing orange crystals in the area, surrounded by mushrooms. It is one of three maps from my underdark map pack. The waterfall is free below with a small logo....


Take a scroll through the gardens. Stop by the fountain, smell the flowers. Perhaps an evening stroll is more to your liking? Or maybe something happened to throw the garden into ruins. The day time...

Titan’s Rise

Lifted high in the sky by the stone titan is a throne. Who will sit upon it? Will they send you on a mission or will you battle them here? Free below or available with...

Stock Road Maps

Your heroes need to make their way form point A to point B. Along the road, they run into some sort of trouble. A fight breaks out. Sound familiar? Here are five different roads for...

White Dragon Cave

Pure magical ice creates a floor for the white dragon’s lair, above the hot magma you can see glowing below. Treasures embedded into the walls and horded in a pile. But during your epic battle,...

Pharaoh Tomb

The young pharaoh is buried with his wife and slaves in this tomb. They were happy to die to go with him to the after life. Beware the traps and the dangerous sphynx. Seek out...

Opera House

The opera house, the perfect place to take in a show and relax. Or perhaps to be a performer. Maybe a battle that starts for show turns into something more sinister! Darker version and emerald...

Metro Station

The long abandoned metro/subway/train station has certainly seen better days. Two tracks, an abandoned and destroyed train, and plenty of rubble fill this map. You can get it free below with a small logo. I...

Lady of Pain, Sigil

This is located in Sigil, city of doors. In the center of the courtyard is a Lady of Pain statue in the middle of a fountain. There is no plant life other than the razorvine....

Temple of Sune

Outside Hill’s Edge, in the Trielta Hills, hides a quaint sanctuary to Sune, Goddess of beauty. Here, lies a beautiful Shrine and Spa catering to those who need some pampering or are trying to change...