Category: Free

Elven Temple & Priestess Quarters

The elven temple is located deep in the forest built amongst the trees. Say a prayer at the temple, thick with the scent of flowers and incents, or get a bottle of the healing waters...

Fabulous Riverboat Hotel and Casino

Not a lot to say about this that looking at the map doesn’t tell you. In my mind this is most like one of those riverboats with the paddle wheels (always red for some reason)...


I have never worked from a photo before. I had wanted to make a theatre map next so I was googling fancy old theatres for inspiration. That’s when I came across this photo of an...

Wizard Tower

When someone visits the wizard they will find a comfortable room to have a meal or sit on the couch and discuss their problems. Sometimes they will ask “What’s behind the door” and the wizard...

Library (destroyed)

This is the same library from my previous post, but something bad has happened. The library has been abandoned for quite some time and fallen into ruins. Some of the windows have broken, some of...


This is a single story library (or possibly book store) with places to work and study, little nooks, and even a café to grab a latte. Lots of light, lots of little areas for some...

Grand Ballroom

The Grand Ballroom is opulent. Marble arches, inlaid tiles, beautiful sculptures, a flowing fountain, upper levels, private spaces… almost anything could happen here. And just to really show off their cash, custom carved ice sculptures....

Great Bazaar

You can buy anything and everything at the Great Bazaar, and I do mean ANYTHING. An overwhelming buffet of smells, colors and sounds greats you in the open air bazaar, where you drift from stall...


This is my first attempt at doing a day and night version of the same map. Maybe you need to bust out of this jail… maybe you know somebody inside and you need to bust...


The amulet you need to retrieve is being held in the bank vault. The bank has thick stone walls and big wooden doors. There are three vaults, two small ones and the main vault where...