Great Bazaar
You can buy anything and everything at the Great Bazaar, and I do mean ANYTHING. An overwhelming buffet of smells, colors and sounds greats you in the open air bazaar, where you drift from stall...
You can buy anything and everything at the Great Bazaar, and I do mean ANYTHING. An overwhelming buffet of smells, colors and sounds greats you in the open air bazaar, where you drift from stall...
This is my first attempt at doing a day and night version of the same map. Maybe you need to bust out of this jail… maybe you know somebody inside and you need to bust...
The amulet you need to retrieve is being held in the bank vault. The bank has thick stone walls and big wooden doors. There are three vaults, two small ones and the main vault where...
The autumn air is crisp and you can smell the fallen leaves, fresh pumpkin pies, and roasting meats. You grab a hot cocoa or maybe a mug of beer and wander around the booths looking...
This tiny village is located at the bottom of an old crater and everyone simply refers to it as Crater Village. It’s a little foggy but the weather is great for growing apples. It has...
I have been spending a lot of time working on the base camp for my crew in our game. And I thought, maybe I could share sections of it here incase they are useful to...
It’s All Hallow’s Eve and you’ve been hired to spend it in an old cemetery because there has been suspicious activity reported. Probably just some local kids having Halloween fun. The pumpkins are kinda weird....
The waves are lapping on the shoreline in a relaxing and almost hypnotic fashion. The water is so clear you can see right to the bottom of the sea. Fresh salty air fills your lungs....
Along the riverside you notice a long abandoned camp. From the state of things you can tell that whomever set it up has not been here in a very long time, and they didn’t plan...
Avernus, the first of the nine hells. Hot, desolate, sulfurous. Above you a sunless red sky. The ground is scorched, you assume from the fireballs you see falling from the sky in the distance. Nothing...