Tagged: free

Elven Bridge

This elven style bridge, used to cross the chasm carved by the river below, is the perfect place for an ambush. But are you ambushing your prey or the ones being ambushed? I have also...

The Pit

I wouldn’t suggest falling in. This mysteriously deep pit could be home to any number of foul creatures. Or maybe it just erupts with a powerful geyser of… who knows! Map is 20 x 20

Air Filtration

Life on the asteroid seems so normal. Some people have lived their entire lives here. For some, the idea that they’d die just breathing the native air never even crosses their minds. The powerful air...

The Hive

Welcome to The Hive. I made this map for two reasons. The first being battling whatever insect like creatures your party encounters this week. The second because I love doing maps with interesting line of...

Forest Camp

A simple forest encampment in a clearing just off of the small road that runs through these parts. Maybe your party is making camp here for the night. Or maybe you’re traveling the road and...

Healer’s Home

The healer lives here with her son and his wife. In the front room they have a little shop to sell her brews and charms. Most work well, some… well… old superstitious things that make...

Jungle Dock

It is warm and muggy in the jungles, but here by the sea there is a cooler breeze coming off the water. It is almost pleasant. The smell of salt water mixing with the the...

Blood River

The river runs red with blood. The bridge long since washed away. Only a fallen tree to assist your crossing. The once beautiful rose garden’s charm made ominous by it’s current state. What sort of...

Druid’s Wrath

Once a vibrant rural community, now abandoned. I saw this as the result of a druid decimating this village, but really it would work for a more generally abandoned village if that works better for...

Lost Fisherman – Merry Christmas!

Just a simple map. Maybe it’s too late for the fisherman. Maybe it’s not. Merry Christmas 🙂 Hope you have a great day regardless of where you are, who you’re with, or what you’re celebrating...