Tagged: festival

Pumpkin Harvest Festival

Get ready for a hoedown! As Autumn approaches, the air grows crisper, foliage turns lovely shades of crimson and ochre, and the last of the season’s crops reach ripeness, ready for reaping. What better way...

Midsummer – Festival of the Midnight Sun

Immerse yourself in the joyous atmosphere of a Midsummer Festival with this vibrant battle map. Complete with a maypole, a crackling bonfire, and an abundance of delectable treats, this map invites you to indulge in...

Happy Thanksgiving

As an American living in Finland, Thanksgiving is one of the things I miss. We’ll still make a giant pot of potatoes and some pumpkin pies but… it’s not the same! So forgive me if...

Great Bazaar

You can buy anything and everything at the Great Bazaar, and I do mean ANYTHING. An overwhelming buffet of smells, colors and sounds greats you in the open air bazaar, where you drift from stall...

Harvest Festival

The autumn air is crisp and you can smell the fallen leaves, fresh pumpkin pies, and roasting meats. You grab a hot cocoa or maybe a mug of beer and wander around the booths looking...