Got my Eye on You
This is why you shouldn’t let your druid take a level in warlock! I hope you hit play and were at least a little creeped out by this 🙂 This is my eyeball garden. There...
This is why you shouldn’t let your druid take a level in warlock! I hope you hit play and were at least a little creeped out by this 🙂 This is my eyeball garden. There...
Hell is not a pleasant place. Hot and fiery, the smell of sulfur heavy in the air. And the beings native to this plane are most unpleasant. I really can’t recommend going… but adventures are...
This is a dark, ominous cathedral. It could be a good cathedral, but seems more likely it’s evil. There are three alternate versions of this cathedral. One is the same cathedral again with a human...
Here is a cute little widescreen village in the woods for your heroes to visit. Defiantly has a fey vibe to it. I bet that water in the middle is magical… but is it good...
Hello! I am currently a participant in two D&D games. I don’t DM but I do make maps for my DMs when they ask. One of those games is Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus...
This greenhouse is used to grow crops in areas you might not otherwise be able to. I have underwater, arctic, desert and moon versions of this map. Perhaps in your game food is in high...
It’s the classic quest… such and such bad guy is hiding down in the sewers, go stop him! Here you have some rather gross sewers where you might encounter your villain. I have also made...
The Sweet Adeline is the height of luxury travel. Get to your destination in style by renting a room on this beautiful air ship. All rooms come with large windows to view the skies and...
Where do you think this area is? I like to play a lot with light and color and that is how this map came to be. I also made a plethora of other color variants....
One of the first maps I made was a library in both functioning and destroyed state. I wanted to revisit this idea so I made this new three story library. The idea is that this...