Magic Tattoos (5e) and maps for Dragonbowl!

These tattoos and maps were made to supplement Dragonbowl, but you could use the tattoos in any game really 🙂 If you don’t know what it is, Dragonbowl is a 5e adventure on DMsGuild. I haven’t read through the entire thing because I am a player in this campaign but so far it has been a lot of fun and I have really enjoyed it. I would defiantly recommend it!
One of the features is some magical tattoos that your players can purchase before fighting in Dragonbowl, since you aren’t allowed any of your magical weapons. Our DM encouraged us to propose our own tattoos as well and I got kind of carried away and ended up making a dozen different ones. So you can download those below for use in this or any other 5e module 🙂
I also did a couple maps because when you get me as a player you get maps LoL 🙂 Those are also attached below.