Broken Crossing animated battlemap
This is the first time I’m giving away a free .mp4 video map 🙂 This map comes in several flavors. For video maps we have lava, water and stars. For still maps we have lava, water, stars, an alternate water with roses, and a slimy toxic water.
The lava map is FREE in both still and video versions with a small logo! Download is below 🙂 My €3/month patrons get this and all the other maps I make with no logo. Adventures and above get all the alternate versions (stars, water, etc, including videos) and the Big Damn Heroes get the Fantasy Grounds and Foundry VTT files 🙂
Grids are 30 x 40
This map and all the free maps on this website are paid for by my Patrons. Join them in supporting me for only €3. On my Patreon you can access base maps, alternate maps, animated maps, FGU setup maps and FVTT setup maps. Maps are for non-commercial use only.
Buy just this map pack on DMsGuild
Broken Crossing Lava (1236 downloads )
Broken Crossing Lava (w/grid) (982 downloads )