White Bridge
This map is made for #MappingTogether challenge with ReadyMaps on Instagram. The idea of the challenge was to create a map where you use a photo as your color palette. So you aren’t trying to recreate the photo, but rather only use colors from the photo in your map. And we were given a couple of photos to choose from. Here is the photo I used:
I had a lot of fun with it. I considered just going with mountains and grass and flowers like the photo but settled on this overgrown and somewhat dangerous bridge in the end. I can’t wait for the next challenge 🙂
Grid is 20 x 15
This map and all the free maps on this website are paid for by my Patrons. Join them in supporting me for only €3. On my Patreon you can access base maps, alternate maps, animated maps, FGU setup maps and FVTT setup maps. Maps are for non-commercial use only.
White Bridge (502 downloads )