Tagged: winter



Winter is coming*. Prepare your game for the wintry season, its many delights and perils with this set of three fully animated snowy maps, all available with a festive seasonal variant! Are those reindeer just...

Mysterious Ruins animated battle map pack by Angela Maps for TTRPGs 0

Mysterious Ruin

Civilizations rise and fall, and in their wake the remnants of their great and mighty structures are left at the mercy of nature and the elements. While some of these structures provide endless hours of...

Holiday market D&D battle map 0

Holiday Market

Looking to add something a little festive to your campaign this year? Stop by this cute little holiday market. Get a cup of steaming hot cocoa, enjoy the lightly falling snow, admire the big Christmas...

Five free road maps for battles in D&D 0

Stock Road Maps

Your heroes need to make their way form point A to point B. Along the road, they run into some sort of trouble. A fight breaks out. Sound familiar? Here are five different roads for...

Frozen Wall TTRPG Map 0

Frozen Wall

Everything is cold and frozen. Frigid. The learned women in the village say it wasn’t always this way. That long ago the god of the north fell in love with a beautiful mortal girl. But...

Lost fisherman battle map D&D 0

Lost Fisherman – Merry Christmas!

Just a simple map. Maybe it’s too late for the fisherman. Maybe it’s not. Merry Christmas 🙂 Hope you have a great day regardless of where you are, who you’re with, or what you’re celebrating...

Small cabin in the woods in winter, somewhat elven looking, battle encounter map for D&D or pathfinder. 0

Snow Cabin

The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful… It’s getting pretty cold here so I was inspired to do a more wintery map. Fight on the frozen water and then come inside...