Author: Angela


Happy Valentine’s Day! Once the heart of a giant clockwork being, this has since been repurposed by a resourceful gnome to be a power plant providing safe power to her entire village. Well, safe enough....

Emerald Ruins

Deep within the strikingly green emerald island there lies a ruin. Very few know of it’s existence and even fewer have explored the area. Not out of lack of interest, but rather the dangerous monsters...

Giant 80×80 Hell Map

This map is a beast… 80 x 80 (8000 px x 8000 px) for your party to have an epic sized hell battle. Personally we are using this at the end of an Avernus campaign,...

Narrow Street

This narrow street is prefect for when you don’t want to give your players a lot of space to work with in a battle. Grid should be 15 x 20 leaving at most 2 squares...


This island was formed by this still active volcano. Perfect for a beach vacation, forging a magic sword, or building your bad guy lair. Alternate version is not erupting. Animated, and setup for FVTT and...

Hell Pit

Is you party trapped in this cage? Are you trying for an epic rescue. Who will rise from the lava to stop you? This map has 5 versions. Two different cages, one with no cage,...

Clockwork Planet

The seam of the planet is broken open to revel something unexpected. A clockwork core…. or a glowing mystery? An abyss of darkness or simple lava? Let your players explore, and hopefully not fall in!...

Crystal Ice Cavern

The cave is icy cold, and filled with ice crystals so reflective it feels like a house of mirrors. Every beam of light seeping in from above reflecting a thousand times until the very air...

Hot Springs

It may be freezing outside, but the water in this hot springs is quite warm. Probably no elementals lurking in it’s depths. And don’t worry, it won’t erupt or scald you or pull you under...

Time Fields

Time is a funny thing. Just a little bit of magic can cause a whole lot of chaos and disaster. This map pack has one time machine and several time effected fields. Maybe your players...