
Who said you need a boat for a kraken attack? Not me! This map has three variations: krakenless, just the kraken, and the kraken attacking a train.
You can download the train version of the map for free below (with a small logo) or get it without a logo on my €3/month patreon tier. Adventurers and above get all the map versions, including three .mp4 video map versions (see the video in this post for a preview), and Big Damn Heroes get the Fantasy Grounds and Foundry VTT files.
This map and all the free maps on this website are paid for by my Patrons. Join them in supporting me for only €3. On my Patreon you can access base maps, alternate maps, animated maps, FGU setup maps and FVTT setup maps. Maps are for non-commercial use only.

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Kraken (934 downloads )