The Magnificent Manor

Here it is, my rich person manor house 🙂 You have the grounds with lots of lawn and trees and a little maze garden to wander through after dinner. Unless you’d rather sit out back and look over the water.
On the ground floor you have an enormous dining room, a ball room, a library, a sorta museumy area, sleeping quarters for the staff, the kitchen, bathrooms and storage.
If you go up the grand stairway you will find the family’s quarters as well as some guest quarters, a private chapel and a game room.
I also included a cellar (door behind kitchen) which is mostly repurposed from another map but incase you wanted to slip out behind the kitchen and find where all the stuff is stored…
This one took me a very long time 🙂 I have split it up into several maps so you can download in whatever way works best for you. I have the first floor and the grounds together as one big map the way I created it, but also as “The Manor” and “The Grounds” as separate maps. And both “The Upstairs” and “The Cellar” as separate maps.
Grounds & Manor is 40 x 80
The Manor is 40 x 47
The Grounds are 40 x 47
Second Floor is 40 x 39
The Cellar is 13 x 8
The “Everything” map is 80 x 80
This map and all the free maps on this website are paid for by my Patrons. Join them in supporting me for only €3. On my Patreon you can access base maps, alternate maps, animated maps, FGU setup maps and FVTT setup maps. Maps are for non-commercial use only.

Magnificent Manor – Manor and Grounds (2992 downloads )
Magnificent Manor – Manor (2392 downloads )
Magnificent Manor – Grounds (1945 downloads )
Magnificent Manor – Upstairs (2592 downloads )
Manor Cellar (2298 downloads )
This map is so perfect for my D&D campaign. My players ADORED it. Thank you for your hard work on such a beautiful map!
Thank you 🙂
404 page not found for all the download links. Shame, was looking to a manor in which to brawl. This would have been perfect.
Try it now 🙂
Crap, I think you messaged me on reddit, and I went to hit reply and bumped ignore so… I can’t get back to the message, hopefully you see this! But yes, it should be fixed. Thanks for letting me know it broke.
Hey, so in the Foundry VTT, the grid on the VTT and in the manor do not quite match. What should the pixel count for each square be?
Yeah some of these really old 2020 ones wern’t built with VTTs in mind. So the easiest way to do this is to just open it up in any graphics program and resize the map. Like the 80×80 map you would resize to 8000 x 8000. The 40 x 47 woudl be 4000 x 4700 and so on. This make an easy 100 grid. But I will add fixing all these old maps to my todolist.
Fair enough, I appreciate the response!